Cenia: IT Modernization Platform

J2EECenia is a platform based on the Eclipse J2EE technology to update legacy applications and compile or automatically convert both the source code of applications (Natural to J2EE, with support for Predict Case templates and language) and databases (Adabas to relational).

It allows to safely deal with strategic projects affecting the application operating bases which are critical to our clients.


It minimises big bang risk in order to keep the organisational structure and the subsequent business knowledge.

It consolidates the logics of the application business with limited evolution, turning them into equally stable architectures which are state-of-the-art, open and standard.

Organisations can continue working on Predict Case and Natural using a modern IDE environment (based on Eclipse), as well as compiling and deploying in their current system with the CENIA tool and the new J2EE environment.

Platform switch is immediate. It allows refreshing and as many total and incremental conversions as desired until the date of the platform switch.


  • Continuity: to continue working with inherited applications, generally with critical environments in the corporate IT ecosystem
  • Safety: it minimises migration risks, data losses and distortions
  • Adaptation: it boosts the ability and agility of adaptation to the business needs
  • Independence: it avoids to depend on manufacturers with proprietary environments
  • Cost reduction: it allows the migration to a cheaper to maintain environment


Latest version:
V2.5 - 21/01/2022
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