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Productos ámbito asistencial

Care Management

We implement care management solutions:

OntoClinic is a Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) that supports pharmaceutical prescription with the aim of reducing errors in prescription and the corresponding cost of treatment of adverse... more information »

Chaman is an integrated information and hospital management system to be used in any healthcare centre or corporation. It provides an Electronic Clinical History solution which can be either web or... more information »

Phemium manages the relationship between any health provider and their patients, fully integrated with the HIS and the patient area. It offers a teleconsultation environment and interaction tools... more information »

OntoCRF is a tool that centralises data collection in a structured manner through ontology design, formalising and expressing the content, concepts and relationships in a field of interest.... more information »

MedHub is an integration and interoperation solution between medical equipment and information systems improving the Centre’s operational efficiency. It allows to comply with market standards... more information »