Productos económico financieros

Management solutions

We provide care management and financial solutions:

Docentis is a specialised teaching solution developed to support the needs of the centre in the registration and monitoring of the activity of its Residents, in a standardised format and on a... more information »

Based on Saperion, a world leader in Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions, Sapasfact is the Costaisa solution that covers all aspects of managing the supplier invoicing process for any... more information »

Sanicost is a management solution to cover the administrative processes of the health sector, billing and internal procurement, which are not covered by a traditional ERP. It is developed on the... more information »

DataConnect is a multi-device solution to integrate healthcare information, which integrates the business rules to abstract data sets: finance, income cycles, supply chain, clinical operations,... more information »

Bold WorkPlanner is a human resources planning tool that allows an optimal assignment of activities to persons and an efficient management of related incidences. more information »

Cenia is a platform based on the Eclipse J2EE technology to update legacy applications and compile or automatically convert both the source code of applications (Natural to J2EE, with support for... more information »